Saturday, April 4, 2009

for everything...turn...turn...turn...there is a season...turn...turn...turn...

you know what? ive been going over my old posts, and i came to an amazing realization. its april, and i started this blog in november. now, if you know me, you will know that i am EXTREMELY affected by the weather. im usually depressed in the winter, and ecstatic in the summer. so i was looking over my posts and i realized; most of them are pretty depressing. now thing is not because i am a depressed person. on the contrary, i am wearing a pink, yellow, and blue flowered dress with pigtails as i type this. it is just that i get very sad and antisocial in the winter, like a bear. it has never been warm, in the entire life of this blog. but now it is warm. now the buds are opening, and the sun is shining, and hopefully there will be some happier posts soon. heres a cool picture i found when i google-imaged "happiness".


Mountain Spirit said...

i was about to blog about that... plz allow me to make a post about that just a little bit!! every feeling is seasonal

Persephone said...

i give you permission.