Sunday, September 20, 2009

i see skies of blue, and clouds of white

you know what's so amazing about the world? it all fits. completely. i mean, if even one thing didn't work, there wouldn't be life on this planet or order in the universe. if we were missing even one law of physics or one level of the food chain or one planet, nothing would work. but it DOES.
that's why i don't think that ID is as beautiful or miraculous. if someone could just decide that everything was going to work and then it would, well then, great for them. but the fact that everything just happened to fall into place perfectly astounds me.
except maybe it didn't. maybe there is a flaw. and maybe that flaw is us. humans. i mean, i'm sitting here typing on a computer which is powered by some tall white things with blades on top miles and miles away, and i'm wearing a t-shirt with cartoon owls on it and sitting in an office chair. these things are totally independent of the real, natural world. maybe humans don't want to be part of the real world. maybe we want our own ecosystem. maybe they want to isolate themselves, just like i'm doing right now by blogging instead of eating bagels and lox with the friends we have over in the living room. in which case, i suggest we fly to the moon. all of us. it's much more suited to our needs.