Thursday, October 15, 2009

i don't see what all the fuss is about

why is everyone so upset that people don't know correct grammar anymore? isn't the fundamental point of language just to communicate? and if we're doing that, why does it matter?


Mountain Spirit said...

THANK YOU! im so sick of adults complaining about that like it's the end of the world. i do believe my mom was talking about this to you on the bus last weekend...? maybe not. she talks about it a lot.

boblawlaw said...

It's all about the impressions we give. As well as upholding a language- our grammar is extremely important; it we misuse it, our language will begin to be incomprehensible.

SIDENOTE: Online instant communication is different, don't worry.

Persephone said...

but it won't be incomprehensible, because everyone will understand it.

Persephone said...

but it won't be incomprehensible, because everyone will understand it.