Sunday, October 4, 2009

Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife

sitting in a huge field of grass.
its the one thing that i keep coming back to. its like an addiction. just that experience. i keep needing to find a field of grass, or something like it, and plunk down in the middle of it, craning my neck back to see the sky. you see, i live in a very intense city, and there are absolutely no fields of grass anywhere. i occasionally make do with a barricaded concrete street or a park, but i need the field. you know how, when you're hungry, you can tell what you're hungry for by picturing different foods in your head? whenever i'm sad or lonely for no real reason, i think about that endless green expanse and realize that that's what i'm hungry for.

1 comment:

Mountain Spirit said...

that is a wonderful hunger. I assume you're talking about your party specifically and most recently? sitting under tht sculpture? :)