Saturday, February 27, 2010

i have decided that the way to tell if someone has lost all of their childish funness is if they no longer are able to speak in gibberish. or if they are, but it's the common type of gibberish that is basically words, like "shabadabadadoodoodeeedeelalalfoofaa." it really bugs me when people call that gibberish, because it isn't.

when i was really little, i used to bang on the keyboard like sdklfsdfisdfksdfsdf49ewicnm,vnsa and print out whole pages of it and my dad read it to me. that was fun.


Lola Bellybutton said...

wow. that's crazy. but i also think that to be able to do the "fake" gibberish and consider it real would qualify you as having "childish funness". I mean, who's to say who's gibberish isn't real? kids wouldn't discriminate, because all the time they make up real things that tot heir mind they created.

Persephone said...

that's very true.