Friday, December 4, 2009

small white stones and daises forming a spiral pattern on the dirt

i have decided that there are two kind of interesting people: the ones with interesting personalities, and the ones with interesting professions/accomplishments. this is an important distinction. there could be that little old mexican lady you always run into at the deli who is the kindest, sweetest person and the entire world and whose brain is full of birds and flowers, and there could also be your idol whom you watch on tv every night and wish you could meet and dream about talking to for hours on end-and then you meet him and he's boring and professional and grown-up-y in real life. these two kinds of excellence are not necessarily linked in any way. but at least 25% of the population exceeds in one of them, i think. i hope.


Lola Bellybutton said...

This sis sort of linked tow aht was talking about in my most recent post. When i grow up, i don't want to be the job personality who isnt actually amazing, i want to be the one who's SPIRIT is cool.

Mountain Spirit said...

thats interesting. i wonder which one i will be