Sunday, November 1, 2009

who am?

interesting how that's grammatically incorrect, isn't it? everyone knows who they are, the question is who are you? but, when you think about it, what is the correct answer? people ordinarily just say their names, but that doesn't at all answer the question. it answers a completely different question; how do i refer to you? i suppose that we say that because a true response would be impossible. we don't know who we are. and we don't even really know what the question means. who are you. who am i? do you say where you come from? no, that doesn't answer the question. your parents? your personality? your dating status? your interests? your relationship to the inquirer?
none of these actually answer the question. in actuality, the question is unanswerable. we don't understand ourselves. we only understand the things that attach themselves to us. it's like... imagine a silhouette that is only visible because of the clutter around it.

nothing exists.
it's all in the mind, y'know.

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