Wednesday, July 1, 2009


imagine a thunderstorm. a really bad one, with wind and darkness and light and broken cable lines. you suck your teeth in annoyance-you wanted to go shopping today, and the rain is ruining it. so boring. nothing to do but lie around the house. and because of the broken cable lines, you can't even watch tv. ugh.
now go back two thousand years, and imagine that you are hiding in a cave, desperately praying that this one isn't the one that will end the world. you are only 150 moons old, you thinkscream to the god of the sky. not ready to die yet. not yet. your infant old daughter screams. shhhh, you tell her. shhhhh. it's going to be alright-but you don't know that it really is. you don't know that the golden lion will win the battle against the inky snake this time. trees are falling down. the water is moving faster than you have ever seen. it could easily be the end of the world.
weather is currently the only force of nature we have yet to control, but we are the masters of it in that we understand it. we understand the system of evaporation and precipitation, that rain is just a way of purifying water and putting it back where it came from. we understand that hail is frozen water, and not people in the sky throwing stones at us. we are no longer afraid.
what i find amazing about the story of adam and eve is how keenly predicted it is-the fall of simplicity and superstition thru knowledge. notice correct predictions from the story-right now, the thing people most fear is each other. religious leaders are in a frenzy to stir up SOME kind of faith among people, usually ending up looking crazy and violent. and also, people arguably know too much.
here's the funny thing about life-no one has made the rules beforehand, so we have to make them up as we play. the rule that hasn't yet been made up is when we know enough. the prudengnossisseco (word i just invented for the divide between knowledge and wisdom) has not yet been chalked up.
p r u d e n g n o s i s s s e c o

i like that word.


Mountain Spirit said...

haha. Humerous but interesting. Why did u hav the 12 1/2 yr old (150 moons) hav an infant??? um.... ik shes a cave person and all but... :)

Persephone said...

just to add to the general desperation of the situation.