Tuesday, July 14, 2009

if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire.

in a previous post, i showed a kind of intense, serious attitude toward the value of creature comfort vs good deeds. my basic stance was that it doesn't matter if you yourself feel good in anyway, as long as youre doing good things to help other people, because the masses matter a lot more than just one person.
i would like to issue a retraction.
yes, it's important to be a quote-unquote "good person". but it's also important to be whimsical and magical and funny and happy and have your own unique perspective on life. otherwise, we just become robots serving one another. like my mom said- "you don't want to be a puritan" i think that perhaps this is where the concept of communism went wrong-it works great to give everyone their share, but you also need room for people to branch out and be different and independent, and to start their own things.
and, in the spirit of flight, i will include a recommendation for something enjoyable-
although it is a little childish, the book zorgamazoo , which is a fantastical fantasy written entirely in verse, is a whimsical delight and i love it.


Mountain Spirit said...

very tru. i think, a world full of perfect selfless people, wouldn't work, because there would b no villians, thus no heroes, and like you said, no identity. There would be no difference between people to show different thoughts, if everyone had selfless "morally correct" thoughts.
funny about the puritans :D

Persephone said...

flower, i would just like to thank you for being the only person reading my blog during the summer. it makes me feel like there is an actual reason to post.