Saturday, May 23, 2009

i don't usually make posts that are just quotes but i really loved this one. its in the sleeve of a mothers of invention album called "FREAK OUT!"

on a personal level, freaking out is a process whereby an individual casts off outmoded and restricting standards of thinking, dress, and social etiquette in order to express CREATIVELY his relationship to his immediate environment and the social structure as a whole. less perceptive individuals have referred to us who have who have chosen this way of thinking and FEELING as "freaks". hence the term: freaking out.
on a collective level, when any number of "freaks" gather and express themselves creatively through music or dance, for example, it is generally referred to as a FREAK OUT the participants, already emancipated from our national social slavery dressed in their most inspired apparel, realize as a group what ever potential they posses for free expression.
we would like to encourage everyone who HEARS this music to join us...become a member of the united mutations...FREAK OUT!


Lola Bellybutton said...

Hey! I totally want to be a freak! Yaaa!
p.s. Mothers of invention is by Frank Zappa, for all those who don't know. (he is the freak who named his kids "Moon Unit" and "Dweezil", "ahmet" and "Diva Muffin".

Lola Bellybutton said...

excuse me, when i said "by" zappa, I meant "with" zappa. Like, he founded and headed it. it was his band.