Friday, May 29, 2009

the rage of selene

her rage was not something wild and uncontrollable, not something that people could even see. for ten seconds, selene would shake violently, with a look of pure murder on her face. then she would go back to being her polite, sweet, calm self. all the while, she would calmly and logically plot how to give the person who had made her angry exactly what they deserved. her wrath was emotionless. she was a vigilante, acting not out of anger but out of her inspired sense of right and wrong.
on this particular tuesday, selene was thinking of doing something rather drastic. you see, her father had made her extremely angry today; he had said that she would not get any treats at all until she agreed to sit down and watch shootings on the telly with the rest of the family. well, selene didn't like this one bit-so she decided to give her father a taste of her inspired justice.

i can't decide how to finish it. help!!!


Lola Bellybutton said...

I don't know. well, yes, actually i do. But only you can find it out for yourself...

Persephone said...

garg! thats not helpful!!