Saturday, February 21, 2009


i was cleaning through my desk and i found this.

[BEGINNING] well, it finally happened. the revolution everyone'd been talking about finally came. all around the world, people overthrew their governments and painted the streets pink and purple and green. they planted flowers in bathtubs. they screamed and cried and made love and sang and laughed. everyone promised that this was it, this was the dawn of a new age. january 10th, 1968. we ended all the wars and we embraced each other as sisters and brothers. the grups went and hid in their little houses and prayed. when you went outside, which of course you did, everyone was laughing and dancing and embracing. the first thing that they did was rip up all the concrete in the streets and cover it with soft dirt and plant grass. they painted every building in the city till they all looked like gaudy christmas presents. they were really like children, the way they did things. but everyone was so excited that no one cared a bit. the city was like a garden, and we were like flowers and children and flower children. it was beautiful. but by the time the month ended, some people started to wish for parts of the old world back (it was january, after all), and baths, and three meals a day, and toilets, heaters, medicine- well, people realized that maybe this wasn't such a hot idea after all. but what could they do? it wasn't like they could just protest the way they used to-with no one in charge and all, and it wasn't like they could just pay for a false escape the way they used to- the revolution had done away with money. so, gradually, they drifted into the empty candy-colored apartments to eat rats. [END]

isn't that just lovely?