Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sadness is real, and i will face it.

remember my post on emotions? well, lola commented and said "sadness is nameable, but too terrible to say. That is why it often remains nameless." so, i am taking harvey milk's advice and putting it out there, so i can see it every day. so its there. when it stays in the drawer, it just gets bigger and scarier. here is sadness:

sadness is rain. not the happy spring rain that you dance in naked and scream, but the lonely rain. trench coat rain, and wet plastic bags. sadness is being alone and not sure what's real and what's not. sadness is having no frame of reference, no clear directions. sadness is a clown sitting on the edge of a dock, wishing he were dead. sadness is very random, very useless. uselessness is sadness, and sadness is useless. what i meant when i said that i didnt know what sadness was was that i didn't know what causes it. and i still don't. it's impossible to understand.


Mountain Spirit said...

i think that the lonely rain in a trench coat, that kind of makes you feel down is actually really enriching. I feel its not only a good preparation for being extremely happy, but can clear your mind in a very nice way. I LOVE to be cold and wet and afraid.

But that's just me. ;)

Lola Bellybutton said...

sadness is not useless. as you said in the post before, everything is necessary. without sadness, there is no happiness, and sadness is what inspires people to work for happiness.
it is not useless. it might even be more useful than happiness.