Tuesday, April 7, 2009

bellybuttons are the keyhole to the soul.

i am a navelist. well, i am many other religions, but one of them is navelism. it is the worship of the sacred bellybutton. if you would like to know more about this religion, please go to our blog. in case anyone's counting, that means i now have THREE blogs. thats a lot.


Anonymous said...

lol, that is funny but i dont entirely get it... did it start with an inside joke or something?

Persephone said...

yah, it did, but now its a full-scale religion.
sort of.

Anonymous said...

hey, you can use that for your yearbook quote if you want, although i'm not totally sure what a yearbook quote isss... lol. and yeah i do follow that blog, actually i put them under my linkss. it's pretty awesome! if they ever do put out a book, then i will snatch it up at my local borders =)