Wednesday, April 22, 2009

racial tension on the 1 train, 8 am.

im about to go through the turnstile when i notice that i'm blocking a young woman right next to me who is trying to get through, and she is glaring at me like i cut her on purpose because i'm a snob. i immediately feel guilty and step back to let her get through with her toddler.
then i walk down the platform and bump into a man who smiles at me, because he's so glad to see another outsider in the neighborhood, and i raise my eyebrows at him like "just because i'm the same color as you does not mean that i'm friendly. this is new york, buddy."
i stop two-thirds down the platform to sit on a red dumpster, because i'm especially tired this morning. a few minutes later a bunch of high school kids come over and sit on the dumpster next to me. i don't look at them, but i can tell they don't like me sitting there, because who am i to sit on their dumpster, move into their neighborhood, breathe their air? the color and texture of my hair are a symbol of gentrification.
i get into the car and it's especially crowded today, and the guy across from me is pretty old and widens his eyes in shock when i get into the train. seven other hands hold onto the same pole as me, and my skin sticks out like a sore thumb.
somebody gets off the train and i dive for the seat like i always do. the woman who was going to get the seat scowls at me, because i am stealing her space. i am a thief.
i get off the train in a much richer neighborhood, and five homeless people greet me on my way to school.
good morning. welcome to the world.


Lola Bellybutton said...

wow. those are seriously my pushed away fears and thoughts when I get on the train, especially going to harlem, realized. But i don't even like to think them out loud, cuz then i feel racist. which I am. but i try, i really do!

Anonymous said...

so i am sort of lost, are you black or white? because im not exactly sure where in new york you live, so depending on that you might be in a predominantly white or predominantly black area. but in any case, yeah it's hard not to come across as racist, and it's hard not to care too much. i even considered not using the word "black" in this comment but then thought better of it. but most of my friends who are black really dont care if i call them black or "chocolate", haha, so i dont understand why people freak out when you dont say "african-american"

Persephone said...

im white, but it was supposed to be sort of abstract so i didnt say so.

Mountain Spirit said...
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