Thursday, April 23, 2009

the tao is like a stone, not a diamond.

she could see colors and light everywhere she looked-beautiful shapes and mystical symbols clouding her vision. when she looked through, she could see the world shifting and multiplying and shimmering with color and energy. and so she walked around all the time like this, seeing everything that was meant to be hidden, sensing auras and hidden energies.
and then one day she stopped looking through. and she saw only the simple stone wall in front of her, dripping with curly green vines. no light or energy or rainbows or auras at all.
and yet...
and yet it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.


Anonymous said...


Mountain Spirit said...

u tlking about ms.hartmann's glasses? ;)

Lola Bellybutton said...

no duh! but don't spoil the metaphor! shush...!