Sunday, December 7, 2008


these r my codenames 4 every1. yeah.

flower is, as described in various other blogs, the dramatic dancer, and the most loud quiet person you will ever meet.

bean comes from sweet baby james.

cat is a screamer for love and a screamer for truth.

melon is the >the graduate obsessive.

lola is the grand-high bellybutton preistess.

ponytoes is the one who wants to be a pony when she grows up.

if i have left anyone out, please comment and say so.


Melli said...

HUH? am i mellon? If not, you left me out! Wait...if i am, what with the graduate obsessive? Im confused, cause ummmm.......Electra....calls me Mellon. !!!1

Persephone said...

yes, ur melon.