Saturday, December 20, 2008


2 of my friends, lola and flower, are celebrating the solstice tomorrow night. i will be sitting on my couch reading a book ive already read.
since ive pretty much said whats on my mind and this blog post is too short, ill just talk about my religion(s).
my dad is jewish. since his dad died when he was a teenager, he has decided to honor his life by:
a) keeping kosher and making me do the same thing when im at his house.
b) raising my brother and i jewish- this consists of going to hebrew school (which i hate), going to services (which is sometimes cool but usually dull and endless), and not letting me say that maybe i don't want to be jewish because it seems like judaism is just about stupid rules that have no meaning.

im not saying i don't like judaism. its cool that there's a religion based on arguing. jewish study is like a book club. but sometimes it just annoys me that i have no say in my religion, even though i am more involved in this sort of thing than most kids.

my mom is a wasp like most americans, but she also celebrates shabbat and stuff with us. we have a christmas tree and stuff, but we're really a jewish family.
i have always thought that religion should be like anything else- you choose the one you like, because you agree with what it says, not because its what your parents chose.
if i could choose, my family would go on buddhist retreats AND jewish retreats, we would go to jewish temples AND buddhist temples AND hindu temples AND church AND mosques and celebrate the solstice.

*sigh*. sometimes it seems like two religions isn't enough.

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