Thursday, December 4, 2008


everyone must have an ideal. if you don't have an ideal, you will never be happy with who and what you are. as they say in south pacific,
you got to have a dream,
if you don't have a dream,
how you gonna have a dream come true?

therefore, i will state my dream.
my dream is to be a happy person,and to inspire others to be happy, too.
my dream is to live in the simplest possible way, so that i don't have to worry.
my dream is to have a slinkster-cool daughter and name her demeter.
my dream is to plant flowers in people's minds, so that we can all do what we really want to do when we want to do it.
i have a dream today!

wow, that turned out like a poem!

(i apologize to whoever owns the rights to dr mlk's dream speech. i didn't intend to plagiarize.)

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